If you cannot reduce monthly accounts, it is recommended to read the following lines. In them we will reveal several very simple and very simple tips that will help you learn more reasonably spend your money and have enough money to enjoy life.
Make a list of expected monthly expenses Unable to reduce accounts or other expenses if you do not follow them. It is not about collecting receipts or accounts and counting only to a penny.
It is enough to prepare a notebook or notebook in which to record how much you pay for the inevitable costs - accounts for electricity, heating and water, as well as on the basics of essentials - food, beverages, plumbing or cigarettes. Thus, you will have at least an approximate idea of what you spend your money, which will give a real chance to reduce your expenses.
Buy long-term products in large supermarkets.
Discount diagram in a warm house offers low-income families discount in the amount of 150 pounds sterling to pay for electricity bills. The scheme is open to submit applications from October to March of each year, you will need to apply directly to your energy supplier.
Reduced monthly accounts. We know that food products in large network stores can be much cheaper. Make a list of purchases from long-term products that you have where to store and which, as you know, have a long shelf life: flour, salt, sugar, butter / olive oil, canned food and much more.
You can freeze seasonal products
It will be much more profitable if you can save your favorite products than to buy them in the finished form. Typical examples are sauerkraut, salt cucumbers, classic pickles and other typical winter vegetables. However, you can safely freeze some products right in the middle of the season. Examples: Stroke beans, pepper, zucchini and others.
Do not forget to live
When it comes to monthly bills, there is nothing wrong with to leave something on rainy days, but leave something for your pleasure.
Reducing monthly accounts is not required to save money. You can limit your costs to when you decide to go to a restaurant, you did not look at the menu, counting how much you will cost lunch or dinner.
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